Let's have some solutions and idea for facing play-service not working, play store crash or closing every time when try to download or update any app via play store.
Information about play-service and solution of play-service stopped working and if play store stopped working.
Info about play-service let's have a look here
- Update play-service you have installed
- Product release date of play-service
- Updated date for play-service
- Version name of play-service
- play-service info page
- Quick link to go play store
- Clear data and cache of play-service
- Clear cache & data of play store
- Update play-service through quick step
- Solution to play-service error
Features provided by this app
* Solution of play-service has stopped working
* Solution of play store stopped while download or update app
* Version name of play-service
* Date of play-service update
* Installed date of play-service
* Play store setting page reference includes(Notification, app download preference, auto-update app, google play instant, parental control etc.)
* Fix play-service has stopped working
A quick step to find solution of "play-service has stopped working"
- See play-service stopped working button and tap on it.
- try clear data and clear cache of play-service by button tap and check now
- check current date and time of your device have correct or not
- try to reboot your device may solve play service stopped working-
- try to logout and re-login your google account on which play-service configured
- change account if have another one
- factory reset your device if still you are getting same problem
- hope this worked for your
Note: Any type of permission or data through user or hidden we or not collecting, you device data safe.